Metaphor Mindset Studio

One-on-one Coaching
for Artists

We keep things simple.
Build one thing at a time as your foundation grows.

I call this:

Creative Essentialism

  • Manage time & money with an anti-hustle approach

  • Work towards goals without overwhelm

  • Grow skills to market & sell your work with confidence

  • Envision, clarify, and follow your dreams - on your terms

Have you been looking for a one-on-one
art & business coach?

If you are ready to take your ideas, career, business or creative project
to the next level, coaching really helps. Consider this:

What if you could love your business
as much as you love your art?

It IS possible for you.

Luxurious time in the studio. Collectors and clients coming to YOU.

Doing what you always wanted to do - with no “should” cloud hanging over your head.

Finances in order, with sustainable income.

We can create this for you, with direction, focus, compassion.

Get the coaching you need - to build the schedule, skills, website and business you really want.

You can do it. I can help.

Join me in

You’ll transform your creative business your way.

A 6-month coaching program created just for artists.

  • 12 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions - someone to really listen and help you find your next steps

  • My 5-Step Process to build and improve no matter what stage you’re at

  • Art Business Circle community of other artists to connect, share, and learn

  • Thought Salon group coaching & workshops

  • A sweet workbook with inspiration to keep you on track

One time
For 6 months

You can do it. I can help.

I’m Shannon, a writer-turned-artist, I worked in marketing for many years before I finally followed my obsession with art.

I held back because of fear of failure. I went for the things that were easier for me. It took ages to really get serious about making art - and then, to figure out how to align my art and make it into a business.

But I did it. I’m painting, showing and selling my art - and I realized my skills from my past life can really help others. So I got certified as a life coach - first to help myself - and now I want to pass on what I have learned to help artists find abundance in their careers - and their lives.

If you are struggling with a creative block, if you want to dig deeper into developing a new body of work and connect it to your business mission, or want to learn business skills, create a website, or learn how to set better goals, I created a special coaching program just for artists, Metaphor Mindset Studio, based on my proven process: Creative Essentialism.

Creative Essentialism

5 Steps
for success on your terms


    • The 3 Stages of Awareness

    • Enneagram Insights

    • Kolbe A Index - Your Creative Process

    • The 4 Tendencies of Expectations

    • 12 Archetypes & Your Creative Process

    • Listening to Yourself as an Artist

    • How to Think Differently
      with The Self-Coaching Model

    • Coach Yourself with Great Questions

    • Embrace Imposter Syndrome

    • How to Be Confident in Art & Business

    • How to Think About Problems

    • How Failure Helps You Succeed

    • Overwhelmed by Ideas?


    • The 4 Hats of Artists in Business

    • Being the Creator You Envision

    • Being the Leader of Your Creative Life & Business

    • Setting Goals from the Inside Out

    • Business Operations the Creative Way

    • Be the Operator of a Successful Creative Business

    • What is Your Business Model?

    • Reverse Engineer Your Business

    • BUILD YOUR ART WEBSITE on Squarespace

    • (Including: Create a Mailing List, Newsletter, Gallery, Blog, Store, Course, and more)

    • Artist’s Media Kit MasterClass

    • (includes: Write Your Artist’s Statement & Bio and

    • Write a Press Release that actually gets you press)

    • How to Put on an Art Show


    • How to Get to Your Goals

    • Mission, Vision, Values, Oh, MY!

    • Build Your Vision Script


    • How to Create a Webinar


    • Be the Promoter Who Makes Real Connections: Assets, Offers, Marketing & Promotions

    • Be the Promoter Without Fear - Social Media and Beyond


    • How to Stay on Track

    • The Commitment Scale

    • The Time Machine Weekly Planning Process


    • The ARC Process for Getting Projects Done

    • The 4 Hats Quarterly Check-in

3 Strategies
for loving your creative life

    • In your Mind & Heart

    • In Your Studio

    • In Your Business

    • Making decisions releases power

    • Your path is like no other

    • Set your own goals

    • Compare yourself only to yourself

You don’t have to be:

  • fearless

  • famous

  • a financial or tech whiz kid

    to be a successful artist.

I’ll work with you to define success for yourself.

It can be as simple as

Believing in your own work

Believing in yourself, and

Believing in the power of ART to change lives.

That’s it!

But we get distracted by what’s out there, and by our own brains.

I’ll teach you how to work with that - so you can keep your dreams on track.

Metaphor Mindset Studio


  • A small but growing private
    online community of artists to connect, share & learn

  • Group coaching & events


A beautifully designed workbook to help you get there.

  • Build your Business & Creative Vision

  • Explore your best ways of working

  • Simple ways to Reverse Engineer selling

  • 1-Page Marketing Plan

  • Business Model Landscape

  • Creative, fun ways to build your business

  • Choose Your Word of the Year, and more


Art and an authentic art business

can work together

to build your confidence to
sell your art,
feel like the artist you want to be,
and build a a career you love,
selling your soul.



How does this work?

When you click a button to make your purchase, you’ll be on your way! You’ll receive an email from me with a link to make your first coaching appointment, and I’ll lead you through everything you’ll need to get started, from trainings, to tools, to how access to your new group of fellow artists in our community, Art Business Circle.

What if I’m just not ready yet?

Believe me - I GET it. There are So many options, classes and programs out there.

But how many are custom-made just for artists that are ready to create a business from their creative practice? Only a few.

And I have studied many of them, and what I offer just what you need. I came into art & business later in life after a career as a writer, teacher, marketer, and leadership group moderator, I bring years of experience to this venture. I also finally realized that coaching is what I’m good at - and I LOVE it! So I want you to feel totally comfortable knowing you are in good hands with a seasoned leader, coach, teacher, and compassionate, dedicated artist, just like you.

Is it WORTH it?
I’m not a rich artist … yet!

The first time I invested in REAL coaching (it was WAAY more expensive than Metaphor Mindset Studio), I was petrified! What if this didn’t work? What if I spent all that money and FAILED?

But I didn’t.

Within a few months of learning how my mindset was holding me back, and applying what I was learning - I started making real progress with my art sales, shows, and my coaching business. It was SO exhilarating - and I want that for you! I want that for all my artist friends and fellow creative entrepreneurs who have some serious, well-founded fears and trepidations around this kind of thing. But take it from someone who has been through the ringer - IT IS WORTH EVERY PENNY. And I will do my best to make this a fabulous experience for you and help you get you where you want to go.

Baby Steps & Breakthroughs

Metaphor Mindset Studio
One time
For 6 months

Take the next step.

Book a call if you have questions.