1-on-1 Business + Life Coaching for Artists


You can
create the art life
you love

as much as you
love your art.

one-on-one business + life coaching for artists

  • Manage your mind to overcome low energy or anxiety

  • Learn the skills you need

  • Work steadily towards your goals, on your terms

  • Keep it simple

The Key?
Artist, Know Thyself

You already have many of the skills you need
to create the art life you love.

determination, grit)

But sometimes, we get in our own way, and need
guidance and accountability

to Make. It. Happen.

Business is a journey
of self-awareness.

As I started my business,

I wish I had had a mentor

to lead me through the mindset shifts
I needed to make

to see myself as an artist/entrepreneur,
and manage my mind, dreams and anxiety.

When I found that mentor, it made ALL the difference.

That’s why I became a certified life coach.

And now I coach artists in both business -
and all the things that come with it.

That’s why I created a

1-on-1 Coaching + Curriculum

program just for artists

Metaphor Mindset Studio

  • 12 1-on-1 Life + Business Coaching Sessions

  • My proven 5-Step Process to build your confidence, mindset, marketing, sales, and business skills, no matter what stage you’re at.

  • Art Business Circle Community of other artists to connect, share & learn

  • Thought Salon group coaching events

Your art life & business
can flourish.

I can help.

Hi, I’m Shannon Borg

Artist | Podcaster
Certified Life Coach
Certified Web Designer

I created the free course below to help you get a broader view
of your creative life and business, and your roles in it.


For a more creative way to think about business,
check out The Metaphor Mindset Podcast: