The Metaphor Mindset is a podcast for artists and creative thinkers, entrepreneurs and leaders
who want to explore ideas around creativity and commerce.
Listen to the podcast, read show notes, and learn more
about art & business coaching in the latest episodes below:

26. Your Creative Spark
Art does change the world and you are one of those flames. You are the fuel for your own art and art is your fuel. So you see how this becomes like a flywheel.
The world inspires us and we transform those ideas and concepts and images into something new, which then creates more beauty in the world and more ideas and more thoughts and more change.

25. Positive and Negative Space
When opposites attract, there’s an energy between them that creates a sum that’s greater than the parts.

24. The Seeds of Your Creative Business
What are you thoughts about your art and your business? Thoughts are like seeds that need nurturing.

23. The Beach & The Desert
The beach and the desert are landscapes of permanent impermanence.
We are reminded to the passing of time by waves and wind.

22. In the Arena of Sand
I’ve felt a connection between that surreal place of sand - beaches, deserts and zen gardens, and the concept of “The Arena” that Brene Brown talks about, the “place of sand” we must enter to grow.

21. Studio Tour!
All about studio tours and how the studio is a metaphor for the mind of the artist. Come visit me on the San Juan Island Artists’ Studio Tour, June 3rd and 4th - Let’s go! (This is not my studio, BTW! It’s Francis Bacon’s - and I talk about it in this episode.)

20. Baby Steps & Breakthroughs
Baby steps and breakthroughs work together to help us move through different stages of our work and business.
Image: Jean Charlot was highly influenced by José Guadalupe Posada Aguilar (1852 - 1913) a Mexican street artist. And he in turn, influenced Diego Rivera and others.

19. Light as a Feather
What are you thoughts about your business? Art they light? Or heavy?

18. A Horse of a Different Color
Rosa Bonheur hung out with Wild Bill Cody, and got a special permit to wear trousers. She was truly a horse of a different color

15. Embrace Impostor Syndrome
What exactly is Impostor Syndrome? This episode explores this much-talked-about state of mind and looks at why we may want to embrace it in order to expand the possibilities for our art.

14. Call it Good: How to Finish Creative Work
(Image: Treaty of Paris, by Benjamin West, 1783.) How do you know when a painting is DONE? In this episode we talk about finishing work, and how to create more ease around the “Wild/Abandon” phase of the creative process.

13. Back to the Future: Let’s (Quarterly) Review!
(Image: Spring, by Anne Siems.) A Quarterly Review can help you improve your art, your creative process, and stay on track with your goals.

12. Creative Meditation
(Image: Leo Kenney, Seed and Beyond IV, 1968) Creative Meditation can help your creative process to be calmer and more productive.

11. Find Your Artistic Voice
(Image Credit: Las Maninas, Pablo Picasso, 1957) What is an artistic voice, and how do I find it? Your voice is already encompassing you - it is there - it is your job to accept and acknowledge it.

10. Time Machine
“It’s bigger on the inside.” This line from Dr. Who might as well describe our art and our brains, too. This episode looks at how we see time, and how that perception can help us better manage our schedules.

9. Obscurity is the New Fame
What are your thoughts about artists working in obscurity? About fame? Would you want to be famous? What does that mean to you?

8. The Struggle Button
We hit the Struggle Button over and over - but why?
What is it, and how can we work with more ease and less anxiety?

7. Fear & Flow
Today, I want to talk about the flow state. That moment when time stops and you are in the zone. We often know what this feels like because we've experienced the opposite.
Fear of the blank page, the creative block.
Hi, I’m Shannon
Thank you for listening.
I’m an artist, writer, and art & business coach.
I work with artists to create and grow businesses they love, and I’d love to chat with you about your goals.
Take my Free Course and Learn:
The big picture of how a creative business works
How to start a business even if you don’t want to, (but you want to start
making money from your art)How to get past the feeling of overwhelm when you think about the “business stuff”
Simple tools you can start using today