The Metaphor Mindset is a podcast for artists and creative thinkers, entrepreneurs and leaders
who want to explore ideas around creativity and commerce.

Listen to the podcast, read show notes, and learn more
about art & business coaching in the latest episodes below:

5. Walk the Path
Business Basics Shannon Borg Business Basics Shannon Borg

5. Walk the Path

Every teacher uses the idea of steps, a stairway, a path forward. In this episode, I explore this idea to understand why we are so intrigued and motivated by steps, and look at what it means for artists - especially as you set goals and think about your business, your future, and your art.

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3. Create an Atmosphere
Shannon Borg Shannon Borg

3. Create an Atmosphere

How do you create the atmosphere in your mind, your studio - and your business - that you want to create. Isn't this why we make art, after all? When you can do this as an artist, you've started on the path of understanding the power of art to transform emotions and lives.

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1. The Setup
Business Basics Shannon Borg Business Basics Shannon Borg

1. The Setup

How do you set up your studio - and your mind - to create? Monet painted 30 versions of this church in his Rouen Cathedral series. He kept at it until he had reached his goal - a great lesson to take a look at as you approach any project.

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Hi, I’m Shannon

Thank you for listening.

I’m an artist, writer, and art & business coach.

I work with artists to create and grow businesses they love, and I’d love to chat with you about your goals.


Take my Free Course and Learn:

  • The big picture of how a creative business works

  • How to start a business even if you don’t want to, (but you want to start
    making money from your art)

  • How to get past the feeling of overwhelm when you think about the “business stuff”

  • Simple tools you can start using today