Think Differently
The Self-Coaching Model

The Self-Coaching Model offers a structure for you to look at your own mind, see your thoughts at work,

and discover how your thoughts are creating your results.

Here’s a sample “Model” on a common thought pattern
that many artists and entrepreneurs experience.


Circumstances are neutral.

Our thoughts about our circumstances determine how we feel.

Our feelings drive all our actions (what we do, avoid or resist doing.)

Our actions determine our results.


Is this your Model?

C: I am an artist / creative entrepreneur / creating something new

T: “Artists struggle - I struggle”

F: I am frustrated

A: I work in stops and starts, I procrastinate, I resist putting my work out there, I hold back because it is so hard to make good work, I spend a lot of time thinking “how come I can’t ….”

R: I create the environment in which I feel everything is a struggle. I struggle as an artist.

See how the thought: “Artists struggle - I struggle” - creates the result of an environment where everything feels hard?

Let’s work on that!

How to Create a New Model

The Future is a Tool

When we think of the past and the future as tools, we can see how they can help us change our mindset and our results. We often dream about the future, but don’t know how we will actually get there, beyond just envisioning it. This exercise shows how the future can be used as a tool to imagine more than just an outcome, but a whole plan for getting there.

Journal Prompt:

Create 2 Models

  1. Present Model:

    Fill in the C line with a present circumstance (be specific, make sure it is factual and neutral).
    Then write down your thoughts about that circumstance.
    When you think that thought, how does it make you feel? Write this (one word) emotion in the F line.
    When you feel that emotion, what action do you take (or not take)? Write this in the A line.
    What is the effect of this? This is your result.

  2. Future Model:

    Fill in the result line first. What do you want your future result to be? What is your goal?
    Write the actions you will need to take to accomplish this in the A line.
    In the F line, write what emotion you will have to feel to be motivated to complete these actions.
    Finally, what thoughts will you have to think in order to feel that way? This is your T line.

    Use this exercise whenever you are trying to set a goal, create some new outcome or result. It will help you discover the actions you’ll need to take, and the thoughts you’ll need to be thinking to get you to the motivating emotions you’ll need to drive those actions.


Your thoughts create your results.