Tools for the New Year

Time to try something new?

I’ve gathered my favorite tools for artists & creative entrepreneurs

to share with you so you can start the year right.

Over time, I’ve found that there are three main “pillars” for developing any creative practice (and business) you love - and these have become the pillars of my coaching program, helping artists go deep into their creative process, and then take the insight they find within themselves - out into their studios, projects and businesses.

I’m sharing them with you here, along with three helpful tools for each of the pillars - 9 total. These are tools I have created for my clients in Metaphor Mindset Studio (there are many more tools, so if you are curious as to how this works, check out my coaching page).

La Liste

Pillar #1:

Create an Atmosphere

If your mind is full of unhelpful thoughts and your studio is a mess, like mine was just a few years ago - it makes everything harder! So I started to actively, on purpose, “create an atmosphere” in my mind, my studio, and my business where I LOVED to be. This meant spending the time doing the “thought work” necessary to believe in myself, creating a routine and process in my studio, and getting my business systems working like a top. That’s just the beginning, but SO important.


Tool #1:
Envision Your Year Workbook

This 40+page workbook that helps you look back to last year and think about next year, including a Word of the Year exercise, Envision Your Year Tarot Spread, a calendar, journal prompts and more.

I put a price on it because it makes it feel (for me), more like I’m making a commitment when I have invested (even a little) into it. I invested a lot of time into this, so I could share it with you.

All the other tools are free!

Tool #2:

Ripple Meditation

This is a creative meditation practice I have developed for myself to help me come up with new ideas, and understand how the creative process works.

Check out my blog post on Ripple Meditation, too.


Tool #3:

Vision Script

A simple tool I’ve developed over the years to help remind myself what I’m doing, and why.

I print this out and keep it by my shrine where I meditate in the mornings. I read it out loud to myself.

It is amazing how powerful this practice is.

I know it will work for you.

Pillar #2:

Make Decisions

Artists make decisions every day - but sometimes we aren’t aware that we are SO good at it!

So we sometimes live in confusion about what to do next with our art or business. This is not helpful - or necessary! The more decisions we can make - even if we end up failing - the further we will get.

I steadfastly believe that ‘failure reveals the right path.’ And artists are SO good at this - you already have the gift of innovation, a willingness to experiment and fail and try again - why shouldn’t you use this in business as well? It works!

Tool #4:

The 4 Hats of Artists Business Health Assessment

The first business training I offer my clients is my 4 Hats Workshop - and this worksheet helps you check in on all the parts of your business, where you are at, and what steps you can take to improve the different areas.

If you haven’t seen the 4 Hats yet - here’s the video, too.


Tool #5:

The Commitment Scale

What’s the difference between Intention and Commitment? It has been very helpful to me to think about how this works in my brain - and I lead you through that process in this video. Just a little background. In this video, I talk about the “Kolbe A Index,” created by sociologist Kathy Kolbe, an assessment I use to help creatives understand “how they work when striving.” I think it is a great assessments for artists.



Tool #6:

Goal-setting for Artists

Even if you don’t think of yourself as a “goal setter,” this short video may help you understand why - and understand why HOW you think about goals makes a difference - especially to creative artists, methinks!


Pillar #3:
Walk the Path

Your path is your own - not somebody else’s on Instagram. When we embrace our own path and process, we can be fully present in our own lives as artists. I wish this for you - and I work every day to help people toward loving the place they are at right now - so you can love your life now, while continue to plan, stretch, and grow towards your dreams.

Tool #7:

Evolve Your Creative Process

Is your “creative process” something you think about?

I spent some time thinking about mine - and it was amazing what that brought up.

I think the creative process IS the most important process in our lives. It is, in fact, life itself!



Tool #8

Embrace Impostor Syndrome

If you have been plagued by this bug, I hope this in-depth examination of what it actually is - the history, effects, and how you can come to terms with it and change it - will give you insight.


Tool #9:

Time Machine Weekly Planning Process

If you feel your weeks just get away from you - try stepping into my Time Machine.

This is a simple weekly planning process that has helped me get a handle on my schedule and make real progress with my goals.


It’s bigger on the inside

What if there IS enough time to do everything you want? Time is just a concept we’ve all agreed on - and a tool that you can use to think about yoall sorts of things. The Time Machine Weekly Planning Process guides you through this so you can make the most of your time, and get the results you want in your life - one day at a time.


Thank you! And I hope these tools are helpful!

If you are curious about coaching, here’s a little bit more about what it looks like:

What I do as a coach

I meet one-on-one with artists in person or on Zoom, and work through whatever issues that each client needs. I have created a program of courses that help artists in many different areas, but also just talk about whatever is the biggest need at the moment.

I help artists look at their mindset, set goals and get things done in many areas:

The Practical Side:

  • Creating a Vision for what you are doing in your business and art

  • Website - I build websites on Squarespace, and train you how to maintain your site.

  • Money Mindset

  • Charging what you are worth - creating a Pricing System that works for you

  • Setting up Business Systems

  • Bookkeeping, taxes, finances

  • Branding and Marketing Strategy based on Values

  • Social media

  • Sales, product development

The Magic:

  • Self-concept as an artist or creative entrepreneur

  • Relationships with ourselves, with our art, with our families and friends.

  • Shame and People Pleasing

  • Giving ourselves permission - owning our own power and dreams

  • Creative Process - listening to ourselves as artists, getting past blocks and out of our own way

and more.

If you’d like to talk, book a free Consultation Call - we’ll go there and find out if coaching is right for you.

Even if it isn’t my program isn’t a good fit for you - I can offer suggestions for your next steps.

These 9 tools are yours to download FREE

(except for one, which is a mere lucky $7) to use for your own personal growth.

I ask just one thing in return. If you watch any of my YouTube videos below - please Like and Subscribe. If you like any of these tools, please tell your friends. My coaching program is word-of-mouth, and my goal in 2023 is to help as MANY artists as possible - thank you!

Shannon Borg

Hi I’m Shannon Borg, and I am an artist and art & business coach. I help artists master their business and transform their mindset so they can confidently share their unique gifts with the world. I also paint abstract landscapes of the shorelines of the San Juan Islands of Washington State, where I live. Let’s connect on Instagram! Find me @shannonborg.

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