Envision Your Year Workbook

An in-depth inspirational workbook to start the new year


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Here’s more on how this little book came about:


An in-depth inspirational workbook (40 pages) to start the new year:

  • Envision Your Year Tarot Spread

  • Word of the Year Exercise

  • Create a Vision for 2023

  • Set Intentions & Goals

  • 2023 Calendar and Journal Prompts

  • Made by me with love!

A little background

Since I was a kid, I wanted to have a radio show. I loved vintage radio theatre, A Prairie Home Companion, the Car Guys, all that. I used to listen to talk shows, interviews, radio in general - for hours.

Last year, I set a goal of FINALLY creating a podcast that would allow me to fulfill this dream. My first episode of The Metaphor Mindset podcast will drop on my birthday, December 31st, 2022. I am so excited to share ideas and tools about the creative process, art and entrepreneurship!

There, I said it! WOW.

(That’s why I’m laughing in the picture, I can’t believe it is actually happening.)

I’m not sure why I’m so surprised, because I’ve worked my butt off for it.

But you know how it is - we plug away at things, and then when it actually happens, our brains go - OMG! You DID it!

The podcast is just one of the goals I set using this Envision Your Year process I’m sharing with you in this workbook this year.

New Year, New Vision

Since my birthday in on New Year’s Eve, the turn of the year has always had special significance. I’m the classic Capricorn - driven, goal-oriented (and skeptical of astrology, but hey, it describes me to a T!).

So every year for many years I’ve gathered tools and created a process of my own to take time to process what just happened, and move forward into a new phase.

Thank god the old one’s over! What just happened???


Take a look at what’s inside:

With Covid, social change, politics, climate change, and technology, if feels like we’ve lived decades in the past few years.

Time’s funny like that. The more change we experience, the more intense our experience of time is. That’s why it seems now that the past three years went SO fast. But when we were in it - the daily slog of quarantine, news, everything, it felt slow.

Amazing how the brain works. A study funded by U.S. National Science Foundation suggests that is why time flies when you get older. We have so many experiences to go back over in our minds, it makes time seem swifter as we gather more memories.

So every year, I want to SLOW DOWN for a while.

I spend two full days - New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day - with my journal, my altar, my cards, just looking inward, reassessing and redeciding what I want to do with my life.

Over the years I’ve used various tools from coaches and mentors. I love promoting the work of my mentors and colleagues. We are all in this together, and if I can turn you on to new inspiration, I’m happy for that.

One of my favorites is Susannah Conway’s “Unravel Your Year,” which I discovered the same year I had just taught a workshop called “Envision Your Year.” Great minds. Susannah used to have a fabulous exercise for writing down your Word of the Year inside a jewel. I LOVED that. I’ve seen it in word clouds, boxes, circles. But I love the jewel! She doesn’t use it anymore - but I hope she will know that I want to share this beautiful tool and pass it on. Please check out her website at: www.susannahconway.com.

I also loved an exercise from a former coach, Brittany Torres. Her 3 Pillars exercise was amazing, and I offer that to help promote her work. I’ve seen the 3 Pillars also in Hindu teachings, fitness, marketing, coaching and elsewhere. So pass it on!

Everything else here, including the Envision Your Year Tarot Spread, came out of my brain.

I’ve taught my Envision Your Year day-long workshop in person several times, for artists and creative entrepreneurs. Here I’m offering the full workbook for the first time, with my process laid out.

I hope you enjoy it.

I hope you take the time to sit with yourself this New Year to:

  • look inward at what you really want,

  • decide what thoughts you want to think,

  • decide what feelings you want to feel this year.

    I have realized that these things are choices, even in the face of great hardship.


  1. Create an atmosphere you want to exist in - in your brain, your studio, your business.

  2. Make decisions about what you want

  3. Walk the path towards your goals

These three steps have become the foundation of what I teach.

If you want to learn more, or explore one-on-one coaching, contact me at hello@shannonborg.com, or tune into my new podcast, The Metaphor Mindset.

It was a huge goal - and it’s happening.

I know you can do what you dream up, too!

And to finish, here’s one of my favorite meditations:

Ripple Meditation:

  1. Sit quietly for 10 - 20 minutes

  2. Use soft music without words if that helps set the creative mood

  3. Drop a “thought pebble” into your mind. Watch your mind work with that thought - let it “ripple out” where it will

  4. Jot ideas/thoughts down in your journal

  5. Go create something new!

I hope this process was productive for you.

Let me know!

Happy New Year!

If you are curious about how coaching can help you,
book a call, and we can chat about your art, your business,
and how you can create the results you want.


Thank you!

Email me at hello@shannonborg if you have inquiries or questions!

Shannon Borg

Hi I’m Shannon Borg, and I am an artist and art & business coach. I help artists master their business and transform their mindset so they can confidently share their unique gifts with the world. I also paint abstract landscapes of the shorelines of the San Juan Islands of Washington State, where I live. Let’s connect on Instagram! Find me @shannonborg.


The Crux


Ripple Meditation