Why you should do a quarterly retreat


A Quarterly Retreat

- whether personal or for business,
or both -
can help you slow down,
assess where you are,
and realign your vision and goals

Here are 3 steps to creating a
fantastic and fruitful quarterly retreat.

And an invitation (further down) to join me on an epic and simple
in-person retreat in late December.

…but first:

What is a Quarterly Retreat?

Most people stop once a year to take stock of the last year and set some goals.

But sometimes we let our goals fade away by the end of January - or maybe keep them going until March or so.

Sad, but TRUE, right??

Checking in with yourself quarterly - in January, April, July and October - can REALLY help you reset your plan and make more progress.

Especially if you have a business - or just want to grow in personal development - a quarterly retreat can:

  1. Help you remember your goals, (because sometimes, frankly, we just FORGET)

  2. Help you take stock of where you are and how far you’ve come - and that feels GOOD.

  3. Create new goals or shift current ones to align with where you are now.

  4. Stay on track to make REAL progress.

So … here are my
3 Tips for a Superb Quarterly Retreat
(business, personal, or both)

  1. Set aside time and space

    It helps to actually, physically go away for a day or two - out of your distraction zone (no laundry, no other people). Consider taking a weekend away in another town, or even in your own town.
    Take your journal, your goals, a favorite inspirational book, and create this time and space for YOU.

    Here are a few ideas for your retreat to help you get into the “business self-care mindset”:
    Meditate, get a massage, do yoga, eat healthy food, buy a beautiful new journal for the upcoming quarter.

  2. Take Stock of Goals & Take Notes

    Take all your journals, day timers and calendars from the last quarter, and write down in your journal ALL the things you accomplished in the past quarter. Then take a long look at this list. Were those things getting you further towards your goals? If so, celebrate! If not, still celebrate - because you are HERE now.

    I suggest no more than 1 BIG goal per quarter, then break it down into 3-5 smaller steps - to keep you from getting sidetracked. Don’t let this overwhelm you. You are in control of your own goals.

  3. Keep it SIMPLE

    Then, take a look at what is coming up in the next three months and schedule out time on your calendar for the actions you’ll have to take next. When it is on your calendar - then when you sit down every Sunday to do your Time Machine (my weekly planning ritual), the time will already be planned, so you can honor that time more easily.

    These are just 3 basic ideas. A personal retreat can be transformative. But if you’ve never done it before, or if you’d like to feel the energy of others on the same journey, a group retreat may be what you need.

    If you want to go further - to experience a supportive environment with other women entrepreneurs working towards their own goals, I invite you to join me and my amazing colleague, Kelsey Green, for an epically simple quarterly retreat during that quiet week after Christmas when you start to think about the next year.

    I want to invite you to join quarterly retreat goddess Kelsey Green (and me) this December 28th and 29th in Seaview, Washington at the super cool SouWester Lodge to a REAL, LIVE Quarterly Retreat. I’ll be teaching and coaching along with Kelsey.

    Here’s a message from Kelsey:

Calling all women entrepreneurs!

Join us for an intimate in-person business retreat at the Sou'wester Historic Lodge & Vintage Travel Trailer Resort in Seaview, Washington on December 28th and 29th, 2023.

Immerse yourself in the breathtaking coastal surroundings and cozy accommodations while embarking on a profound exploration of your business journey.

Over the course of two enriching days, we'll take a deep dive into the Q4 reflection process, envision the path forward, and craft a robust action plan to launch into 2024 with strength and purpose.

Our retreat will also feature:

meditation, meaningful connections, and heart work,

with ample time for personal rejuvenation and introspection.

Optional group activities will also be available for those seeking shared experiences.

Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to elevate
your entrepreneurial journey.

We're offering a fantastic early bird discount - save $100 when you register by Halloween!🥳

This is an opportunity you won't want to miss. Secure your spot now!

How does this relate to the business side of art?

It’s not just the “how” of business that matters,
but the process of learning to believe in your dreams
that really makes the difference.

A quarterly retreat can keep you on track
and create community to support you towards those dreams!


Why I became an artist
and a coach

As artists, we tend to work in isolation.

When I decided to start making art seriously, I was 50 years old.

I saved my pennies (literally), quit my job, and entered a one-year program at Gage Academy of Art in Seattle - that became two years when I continued on in the Trowbridge Atelier.

That whole time, my mind was tossing out a parade of conflicting thoughts. On the one hand, my brain kept screaming:

  • You’re so bad at this!

  • What are you thinking, giving up a good job for this pipe dream?

  • Will anyone ever like this stuff I make - let alone buy it?

And on the other hand, I was in complete bliss:

  • Learning about color and value, light and shadow.

  • Exploring form, shape and composition

  • Finally free to accept myself as an artist and just be open to new ideas.

It was truly amazing.

My mentors, teachers and friends were so helpful - encouraging me in my goals; I was part of a community of artists all working towards our dreams.

But I had some serious work to do on my thought patterns that I knew were holding me back.

Have you ever heard this quote? It makes SO much sense to me”

“My mind is like a BAD neighborhood.

Don’t go in there alone!”

I tried to fill my brain with positive messages podcasts, books, and media. It was the middle of Covid, too, so there was just a lot of fear, isolation, uncertainty and confusion.

What I DID know was that I loved making art. And I loved working with others, talking about art, self-imrpovement, teaching, ideas, etc.

I slowly realized that learning how to think differently was the BIGGEST THING that was going to help make my dreams happen.

But as I finished school and started to think about next steps, I felt lost.

Yet my friends were coming to ME for help - with marketing and writing, for help with websites and graphic design - because that is what I used to do for a living - before I committed to art.

I started coaching artists on the business and marketing side, and realized that mostly what artists need - is not the HOW - the nuts and bolts (yes, we need that) - but they MINDSET shift that helped them look at the thoughts that are holding us back.

That’s what I had needed:

I needed to learn how to BELIEVE in myself in a way that could weather the storms of the ups and downs of living the life of an artist.

And I had done so, up to a point.

I got some coaching from trusted mentors - who offered me the opportunity to sit with ONE PERSON who would listen and hear me, who would SEE me.

And I actively worked on rewiring my brain - to understand what my thoughts were doing to me, and to be able to look at it all from a distance.

As I started doing this more and more, I realized that I wanted to get more training - get credentials, so I could help more deeply, and create a business around helping artists with the business side - and also with the mindset piece.

So I spent six months getting certified as a life coach in The Life Coach School Certification Program.

Best money I ever spent.

Coaches helped me.

I learned how to coach to help artists.

What I do as a coach

I meet one-on-one with artists in person or on Zoom, and work through whatever issues that each client needs. I have created a program of courses that help artists in many different areas, but also just talk about whatever is the biggest need at the moment.

I help artists look at their mindset around so many areas:

The Practical Side:

  • Creating a Vision for what you are doing in your business and art

  • Money Mindset

  • Charging what you are worth - creating a Pricing System that works for you

  • Setting up Business Systems

  • Bookkeeping, taxes, finances

  • Marketing Strategy based on Values

  • Social media

  • Sales

The Magic:

  • Self-concept as an artist or creative entrepreneur

  • Relationships with ourselves, with our art, with our families and friends.

  • Shame and People Pleasing

  • Giving ourselves permission - owning our own power and dreams

  • Creative Process - listening to ourselves as artists, getting past blocks and out of our own way

and more.

If you’d like to talk, book a free Consultation Call - we’ll go there and find out if coaching is right for you.

Even if it isn’t my program isn’t a good fit for you - I can offer suggestions for your next steps.

Shannon Borg

Hi I’m Shannon Borg, and I am an artist and art & business coach. I help artists master their business and transform their mindset so they can confidently share their unique gifts with the world. I also paint abstract landscapes of the shorelines of the San Juan Islands of Washington State, where I live. Let’s connect on Instagram! Find me @shannonborg.


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