Let’s Re-Invent You!
RE-Invent! The Creative Transformation Challenge! Join me January 6-10, 11am-noon to get unstuck and gather new energy for the new year!

Visit my Studio
A few images from life in my MFA program at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois.

Create a Vision Script Page on your website
Create a Vision Script Page on your Squarespace website to clarify your ideas and goals for the year.

Build Your Art Website on Squarespace
Your website should be a creative space in itself - that has your creative voice infused into it. If you need an art website, having another artist there to guide you through the process is the key.

Why you should do a quarterly retreat
A Quarterly Retreat - whether personal or for business, can help you slow down and assess where you are, what you’ve done to get here, and where you are going. Here are 3 steps to creating a fantastic and fruitful quarterly retreat.

Featured Artist / Client: Hannah Freitag
“The pursuit of career success and emotional fulfillment has led me here, and I can't wait to see what is going to come of it.”
-Hannah Freitag, collage artist

Your Artistic Archetypes are Always Shifting
We all have certain tendencies and ways of working in our art. Whether influenced from our environment, what we’ve been taught, or our innate style and voice, it is worthwhile to take a look at some of those patterns which may provide a deeper understanding of our own creative processes. These patterns can better help us understand ourselves if we see them as personifications, or metaphors as our Artistic Archetypes.
Have you taken the What is Your Artistic Archetype QUIZ?

Tools for the New Year
I’ve gathered 9 of my favorite business and mindset tools that I have created for my artist clients to help set goals, shift negative thought patterns, and keep on track. I hope these will help you start the new year out with a new vision of what you want to accomplish. You can do it!

What is an Art and Business Coach?
An art and business coach helps artists and creative entrepreneurs start and grow their creative businesses. But more importantly, a coach can help you learn how to believe in yourself at every step along the way, with new solutions and tools that can help you blow your own mind.

Ripple Meditation
Try Ripple Meditation in your own creative process. It has really helped me to create an atmosphere of deep creativity in my self, my studio practice, and my business. I am happy to share this idea with you, and I hope it helps you, too!

Join me for a Conversation with Daniel DiGriz, host of The Thriving Artist Podcast
How to Wear
All. The. Hats.
(& not become the Mad Hatter)
Facebook Live! The 4 Hats of Artists in Business with Daniel DeGriz from the Thriving Artist Podcast, in conversation with art & business coach Shannon Borg

How Do I Coach Myself?
5 Tools for Self-Coaching for Artists and Creative Business Owners
What is a coach? Should I invest in a creative coach or a business coach? How can I coach myself? I answer these and other questions in this blog post - with 5 helpful tools to get you on your way to self-coaching for entrepreneurs, artists, and anyone who just wants to do some self-development or self-help work.

Artists in the ZONE
The Kolbe A Index and the 4 Elements of the Creative Process for Artists - #KolbeStrengthsWeek

Taking Stock & Dusting Down
Taking Stock & Dusting Down - 3 Questions to Ask to Begin a New Cycle

Time it, Type it, Tweak it
Time it, Type it, Tweak it:
3 Simple Steps to Getting ANY Writing Project DONE!

The 4 Hats of Artists in Business
How to Wear
All. The. Hats.
(& not become the Mad Hatter)
Business Basics - The 4 Hats of Artists in Business